Tourism in the
Province of Azuay
The province of Azuay has 8,127 square kilometers of surface and 626,000 inhabitants, 327,000 urban and 300,000 rural.
Azuay has 14 cantons, and the head of the province is Cuenca.
It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of Ecuador. The development of the industry in Azuay, in general, was based on the manual skills of its inhabitants. It has a very unique importance for the history of the austro of Ecuador, for being a midpoint between the coast and the Amazon, from ancestral time was established as a meeting place between cultures, traders and events of religious connotation.

The first recorded settlements date back to 10 thousand years old in Chobshi and Cubilán. He had different migratory periods from the mountains such as the Cañaris. Later it was conquered by the Incas under Tupac Yupanqui. Spanish colonization occurred when Francisco Pizarro commissioned Captain Rodrigo Núñez de Bonilla to perform the functions of encomendero in the repartimiento of the Province of the Cañaris or Tomebamba in 1538; during that period the maximum entity and precursor of the province would be the Corregimiento de Cuenca, after the independence war and the annexation of Ecuador to the Gran Colombia, the Province of Cuenca was created on June 25, 1824 (which in 1835, would change its name to Azuay), which makes it one of the 7 first provinces of Ecuador. This province is the corollary of the subdivision of the extinct Department of Azuay.

The province of Azuay is located in the Inter-Andean alley or mountain range, located towards the south of the Ecuadorian territory. Politically the province of Azuay is divided into 15 cantons: Cuenca, Gualaceo, Paute, Santa Isabel, Girón, San Fernando, Sígsig, Nabón, Chordeleg, Guachapala, El Pan, Sevilla de Oro, Oña, Pucará and Ponce Enríquez. The province has a population of 626,857 inhabitants (according to INEC, projection to 2000), of which 44% are located in the city of Cuenca, economic focus of the province and the region. The province of Azuay is located next to the provinces of El Oro and Guayas, Ecuador's main seaports, especially due to its proximity to the city of Guayaquil, the most populated in the country, its trade is generally directed towards this urban center . The natural formation of the province has determined the formation of three clearly zoned basins.
Otras provincias, ciudades y sitios
- Cuenca es la cabezal de la provincia del Azuay y la cuidad más grande de la provincia.
Santa Isabel
C. P. Enrique Oña
San Fernando
Sevilla de Oro
El Pan